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Cahid İsmayıloğlu

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İngilis dilində:

922. Barat Kahar. Discovery of Histroy: The Burial Site of Kashgarli Mahmut. Aacar Bulletin, II/3, Connecticut: 1989, p. 9-22.
923. Barat Kahar. Central Asia Reader: Rediscovery of His-troy. New York-London: 1994, p. 77-81.
924. Barthold W. W. The Bughra Khan, mentioned in the Ku-tadgu Bilik. Bull. of the Scool of Oriental Studies, 1922, III, s. 151-158.
925. Biran M. Qarakhanid Studies. A View from the Qara Khitai Edge. Cahiers d’Asie Centrale, 9, 2001.
926. Bosworth C.E. İlek-khans or Karakhandis. The Encyclo-pedia of İslam. Leiden-London, New ed., 1971, vol. III, p. 1113-1117.
927. Che Shiming. The Study of Uygurs Chinese Teaching in Xinjiang. Uluslararası Asya ve Kuzey Afrika Çalışmaları Kongresi İCANAS-38. Ankara: 10-15 Eylül 2007, Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, s. 138.
928. Chen Dajun. Xinjiang Today. Beijing, 1988, s. 75-76.
929. Clauson Sir Gerard. An Etimological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth Century Turkish. Oxford: 1972.
930. Dankoff R. Kashghari on the Tribal and Kinship Orga-nization of the Turks. Archivum Ottomanicum. IV, 1972, p. 23-43.
931. Dankoff R. Kashghari on the Beliefs and Superstitions of the Turks. Journal of American Oriental Society, 95. 1, 1975, p. 68-80.
932. Dankoff R. The Alexander romance in the Diwan Lug-hat at-Turk. Humaniora İslamica, I, 1973, p. 233-244.
933. Dankoff R. On nature in Karakhanide Literature. Jo-urnal of Turkish Studies, 4, 1980, p. 27-35.
934. Dankoff R. Qarakhanid Literature and the Beginnings of Turco-İslamic Culture. İn: Central Asian Monuments (ed. Hasan B.Paksoy). İstanbul, 1992, p. 73-80.
935. Dankoff R. Some Notes ot the Middle Turkic Glosses. Journal of Turkish Studies, 5, 1981, p. 41-44.
936. Dankoff R. Textual Problems in Kutadgu Bilig. Journal of Turkish Studies, 3, 1979, p. 88-89.
937. Devreux Robert. Al-Kashghari and Early Turkish İslam. MW, XLIX, 1959, p. 133-138.
938. Devreux Robert. Mahmud al-Kashghari and his Diwan. MW, LII, 1962, p. 87-96.
939. Ehrensvard Ulla. A Pilgrimage to the Moseleum of Mah-mud al-Kashgari. Svenska Forskningsinstitut i İstanbul Meddelanden. 1992, № 17, p. 64-72.
940. Hazai G. Al-Kashghari. Eİ, 1979, IV, p. 699-701.
941. Kelly J. Kashghari, Mahmud al-. Encyclopedia of Asian History. New York: 1988, II, p. 277.
942. Kelly J. On defining Dhu al-Arbaa. Journal of American Oriental Society, 91. 1, 1971, p. 132-136.
943. Kelly J. Remarks on Kashghari’s Phonology. I. Linguis-tik Terminology. UAJ, № 44, 1972, p. 160-174.
944. Kelly J. Remarks on Kashghari’s Phonology. II. Ortho-grafy. UAJ, № 45, 1973, p. 163-169.
945. Mahmud al-Kashghari. Compendium of the Turkic Dia-lects (Diwan Lughat at-Turk). Edited and Translation with İntroduction and İndices by Robert Dankoff in collabora-tion with James Kelly. Harvard: part I, 1982, p. XI+ 416.
946. Mahmud al-Kashghari. Compendium of the Turkic Dia-lects (Diwan Lughat at-Turk). Edited and Translation with İntroduction and İndices by Robert Dankoff in collabora-tion with James Kelly. Harvard: part II, 1984, p. III+381.
947. Mahmud al-Kashghari. Compendium of the Turkic Dia-lects (Diwan Lughat at-Turk). Edited and Translation with İntroduction and İndices by Robert Dankoff in collabora-tion with James Kelly. Harvard: part III, 1985, p. 337+ microfiche.
948. RonaTaş A. Mahmud al-Kashghari. Compendium of the Turkic Dialects (Diwan Lughat at-Turk). Edited and Translation with İntroduction by Robert Dankoff in colla-boration with James Kelly. AOF, XL, 1986, s. 335.
949. Rossi Ettore. A not to the Manuscript to the Diwan Lu-ghat at-Turk. Christeria Orientalia, Praha:1956, p.280-285.
950. Tekin Talat. A Grammar of Orkon Turcic. Blomingtoon: 1968, 419 p.
951. Yusuf Khass Hajib. Wisdom of Royal Glory (Kutadgu Bilig). A Turko-İslamic Mirror of Princes. Translated, with an introduction and notes by Robert Dankoff. University of Chikago Press, 1983, YIII+281 p.


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